Fitness Solutions NYC
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Bryan has been passionate with regard to learning about body and movement for over 30 years. It began with fencing at the age of 13, through a career in modern dance, and currently as a personal trainer and massage therapist. Bryan has explored the best ways to train and treat the human body, and is excited to share his knowledge with you.


Feel Better

Look Better

Live Better


The Methods



Whether you are a top level athlete looking to find the missing links in your training, a weekend warrior, or someone who never thought it was possible to be an athlete, my method will allow you to achieve a physical understanding and mastery of your body that you never thought possible.

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One of the key components of maintaining a healthy body is repairing the damages and releasing stresses accumulated in the course of daily life. Athletic endeavors, stagnancy in the body from 12 hour days in front of a computer, and unexpected trauma all contribute to chronic pain, and unhealthy movement patterns that can lead to injury. Using hands-on techniques and education in self care methods, I can help you release stress, relieve pain, and restore your body a state of comfort and ease.

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